Monday, February 19, 2024

The Coming Civil War

There's a new movie scheduled to arrive sometime in April or May, and the trailer for it are running on YouTube now. I watched it and was only slightly worried since it seems to me America has been embroiled in a civil war for many years, so no big deal. When they start shooting and bombing, like in the movie trailer, then I'll worry.

Fortunately I have rid my daily life of most of the enemy, and thank God my only child has finally seen the light and come over to the side of reason and sanity. As for the rest, ta-ta, too bad, so sad.

We are living in a country where nobody has any idea who is running it, certainly not Joe Biden, who was recently deemed "too old and feeble" to stand trial for his past crimes but is somehow still allowed to run for re-election. It's nuts. Anyone who tells you "Joe Biden is fine" is not fine. (At least Trump is cogent enough to go to court, all too often IMHO.) 

When the next civil war starts I shall bolt my doors, turn out the lights and start eating from all the prepper foods we have stockpiled in the basement. Better get some water.

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Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...