Monday, July 3, 2023

The Pillow Guy

I've been reading some of my old blog posts and have been surprised at how much funnier they were than the ones I've written lately. I attribute this to the state of the world rather than to any diminished sense of humor on my part. Politics in particular has grabbed my attention, and there's nothing funny there except for Kamala Harris, but cancel culture will not allow me to mine that very deep, very rich resource. 

So no more politics for awhile, at least not until it gets funny which will definitely happen starting with the first debate in August between the dozen or more Republican candidates, a motley crew of has-beens, never-weres and wannabes.

Instead I will focus on a crazy person we see on TV much too often, and that's Mike Lindell, a.k.a. The Pillow Guy. If you never watch FOX News you may not have seen him, but you also will only hear the propaganda of the left and none of the propaganda of the right, which is too bad.  

Anyway, Mike started out making pillows that he said are the best because of his "magic fill" that lets you get a good night's sleep and they cost like 25 bucks which is nuts, right, but okay fine, no problem, not that I would ever buy one. Then he added sheets made from a rare cotton grown only on a tiny sliver of land somewhere near Africa, or maybe Egypt, that makes the softest sheets imaginable. Still, it's relatable -- pillows to sheets. 

Next came slippers which have nothing to do with sheets or pillows except maybe nighttime, okay I'll give him that. But now he's into towels. That's a giant leap -- from pillows to towels -- if you ask me. And the way he advertises his towels is absurd: He says he makes "towels that actually work." 

Has anyone, anywhere, in this country or in any country, even in third world countries where maybe they have things they use as towels, ever seen or heard about or read about a towel that did not work? I mean, if it's a towel, it's gonna do what towels do, which is absorb. It can't help but work; absorbing is in its DNA. Here is the definition of the word:  A towel is a piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for drying or wiping a surface. Towels draw moisture through direct contact.

So, shut up Mike.

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