Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Common Sense Doesn't Win Votes

This can be yours for 20 bucks!
Yeah, yeah, I know: Your great-great-granny was a slave picking cotton for the massa and now, a century and a half after slavery was outlawed in this country you're a homeless, unemployed methhead who truly believes your plight is all whitey's fault.

That's obviously what Sen. Kamala Harris thinks, proving it by her reference, during the recent Democratic debates, to having been a little girl who was bused to a white neighborhood so she could get a decent education. Since her line went over so well with all the, "I love hot sauce, please don't shoot me" white liberals in the audience, Harris doubled down the following day and started selling t-shirts imprinted with that slogan as a way to fill her presidential war chest.

Meanwhile, the only decent person on the stage was immediately lampooned by the press and almost all non-thinking adults as a crazy hippie leftover. Marianne Williamson, author and spiritual guru, uttered the sanest statement of the night during a discussion of our nation's sorry health care. Instead of jumping into the fray about single-payer vs. private insurers, blah, blah, blah, she said we might better serve the citizenry by closely considering just why so many Americans are sick, requiring so many costly prescription medications and hospitalizations. A great idea, of course, overlooked by every other politician eager to win votes with the promise of free health care. Hey, the sicker you are the better as far as they're concerned!

Think about it.

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