Monday, June 5, 2017

Life Could Be A Dream

Everyone dies. Get that through your head.
This morning over coffee, through the magic of Facebook, I learned of a particular death that blew my mind and breaks my heart. The son of one of my best friends from grade school, high school, and onward until right now -- a young man in his thirties, father of two small children, literally in the prime of life -- suffered a sudden heart attack and died yesterday, and I have no words to comfort her.

It was easy back in the day to help her get through a breakup with this guy or that guy: "Oh forget him, another one will come along and he'll be much better." And it always turned out to be true. Not this time. This time my mind's a blank. I have nothing prepared since this is not the way things are supposed to go.

Today I'm sad for her, and sad for me too: I have my own son. He could die. Then what? If only we could get it through our heads that everyone dies -- at any time, at any age -- and not be stunned, shocked and outraged when someone close to us who isn't supposed to actually does, life could be a dream.

1 comment:

Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...