Tuesday, July 10, 2018

There's More to Life Than Killing Babies

It's not really all that confusing.... or is it?
Okay, so maybe you're a fan of abortion and maybe you're not. It doesn't matter since the indisputable fact at the core of the issue applies to both camps, as anyone who has taken a 7th-grade biology class will agree: Life begins at conception.

You can dance around this one all you want, like many people do, and say that life begins at birth or that the baby isn't viable until the third trimester or whatever the heck else you can dream up. None of it changes the basic truth that life begins at conception. Without conception taking place, you would not be here reading this and I wouldn't be writing it.

All of us were teeny, tiny specks of matter once, and if our mothers had used "a woman's right to choose," we'd have become nothing more than medical waste. End of story. So it's surprising that the ease with which one can end a pregnancy (kill a growing baby inside the uterus) via the medical procedure called abortion has become the most important thing in the world to the Democrats, most of whom believe that murder of a human being outside the uterus is a heinous crime worthy of the most severe punishment our society allots.

While I think abortion is appropriate and necessary for many women in many situations, myself having been in some of those situations, I still wouldn't base my pick of who should sit on the Supreme Court solely on that issue. Don't we have bigger fish to fry, like immigration and affirmative action and gun control and equal pay for equal work and scores of other issues that come before the court that impact all of our lives instead of just some of our lives? And BTW, FYI birth control is quite effective these days.

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