If, unlike half the country who finally feel that our government is working for us and not against us, you are on the fence about the direction of Trump and his cabinet, reading today's
New York Times will push you right off and into the roiling Sea of Despair they seem to relish swimming in. Every story in their leaning tower of opinion tells of the dire doings by Trump and his minions, each of whom is a representative of the Devil himself. We must all fear them!
Bobby Kennedy will give all of us polio and AIDS and he won't even care! J.D. Vance will turn all of Europe against America and probably start a world war. Elon Musk, who according to the editors of the Times causes chaos, will likely pocket all the money he finds on his wicked hunt for waste and fraud, like he needs more. (The current richest man in the world obviously wants to be the richest man in the Milky Way.)
If you believe that Trump's recent executive order aimed at the military implies a "shameful campaign against transgenders," who by the way represent less than 1% of the population, you're likely to adore an article denigrating that decision. The order states that,"A man's assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member." Hey, sounds good to me. Speaking of chaos, do we really need women with penises and men with vaginas duking it out in the barracks?
Adding to the raucous chorus is Randi Weingarten, the president of the teacher's union (AFT) who makes half a mil a year while most new teachers in Maine bring home about $40K. She writes that Trump and Musk, in their quest to raise the abysmal scores of America's students who occupy last place in everything among developed nations, are "swinging a wrecking ball at the Department of Education. This attack on our children is wrong."
I'll tell you what's wrong, Randi: The constant whining and nit-picking of the Democrats, sore losers to the max, who wake up every morning and set out to further divide our fractured nation until it truly erupts into another civil war. Now where the hell is my musket?