Friday, July 18, 2014

Fabulous Fried Food Festival!

It's back: The 49th Annual Yarmouth Clam Festival starts today. Over the next three days the local residents-- and many from miles away since this is quite a big deal around here--will collectively gain over 4 million pounds through their consumption of fried clams, fried oysters, fried dough, fried potatoes, fried onions, fried squid, fried fish, fried shrimp, fried ice cream and pizza. There are amusement park kiddie rides and some art and crafts for sale as well, but the food is the star attraction.

Usually my husband and I attend the event for the spectacle of it all, but despite our strong resolve going in we never get away without eating badly and feeling remorseful, so we have opted out this year. (Just walking around the grounds can add up to three pounds unless you hold your breath.) And so, since I will not be taking photos which are always fun to see, instead I post these from the local paper to give you an idea of all the excitement.

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